Friday, December 1, 2023

small poems, late autumn 2023

 In late October I felt inspired by Ross Gay’s essay collection, “The Book of (More) Delights,” to keep a record of moments in the day that brought me a sense of happiness, or even just a sense of ease, no matter how small, no matter how fleeting. I did this for 6 weeks, using a 6-line format.

the moment i remember something
i was struggling to remember
since yesterday —
this is the first
delight of


5:15 in the morning
waking from a dream
with two words in my head:
“catching waves”
i don’t know what that means
but i have a good feeling about it


they are only 23 years old
dad with a cigar in his mouth
my beautiful mother with her light-up-the-world smile
i was just a few months
but somehow i’m already 72 and
seeing this photograph for the very first time


this morning
when my brain began to spin
i told it to just STOP —
and i went off
to play
with paper, scissors, glue


yesterday at the library book sale
seeing so many books i once read
and enjoyed
i pat the spines, tenderly
with my fingertips —
“hello old friends”


walking through the park
birds birds
birds birds birds
i hear them
but i can’t see them —
i hope that they see me


three real letters
in the mailbox today
from three real friends
and there are still
a few red leaves left
on the tree outside the window


this rainy sunday
i can’t decide
which book to read
i don’t let myself
even look at
the chocolate-covered almonds


late in the afternoon
wrapped in
purple pashmina
thinking about everything
until i’m thinking about


early this morning
getting the water temperature
exactly right
a long shower —
the scent of grapefruit
and also just a hint of mint


wondering where i put it
that big bag stuffed
with balls of yarn
i look here, i look there —
eureka, found it!
now searching for my crochet hooks


decades ago
such a clever
halloween costume —
dressed all in black
i declared myself to be
a raisin


i thought
the CD player
was broken
but it turns out
all i had to do
was turn up the volume


in a vast
empty space
the air so still
my ears
feel full


november calendar
30 small boxes
to fill in
there are already
20 things (20 things!!!)
i’m looking forward to


this old corduroy shirt
with all its buttons intact)
still fits me perfectly —
so okay you bits and spits of snow
go right ahead and do your thing


i almost forgot
how good it feels
to pull
soft thick socks
autumn-chilled feet


gray pants
gray sweater, gray socks
gray sneakers
today i’m just
floating around
like a cloud


this morning
i woke up worried
about nothing (& everything)
but thirteen hours later
i can say the day turned out
to be just fine


in the dream
someone invites me to go see
a new play: “The Day of the Jackal” —
my friend assures me
that everyone says it’s the best thing ever
but i say No Thank You


this day
of kindness and compassion
and the gentle flow of conversation
and laughter
and a few tears too —
the way it goes between friends


sitting quietly
just that
nothing more
a pulsing sensation in my palms
reminding me that
i am alive

it’s an odd thing
but today i experienced
so many delights
i don’t know where to begin —
let me just dwell on the hugs
yes the hugs oh the hugs such beautiful hugs


this seems to be my time
to get to know old friends
in deeper ways
and to meet new people
who may one day
become old friends


the day started
with me reading
a poem about tomatoes
and then for lunch
i cut up cherry tomatoes
and they were much nicer than the bean sprouts


i said to myself:
“love more,
fear less”
then i said to myself:
“listen to


my bill comes to $15.96
i reach into my wallet
and pull out a twenty dollar bill &
3 quarters, 3 nickels, and 6 pennies
and i get $5 back —
a totally satisfying exchange


it happens quite often
when i’m wearing
that people comment
(even strangers)
and they always seem to be delighted


in small print
on each one
of the new batteries
this message:
march, 2035 —
what optimism


a telephone visit with my sister
remembering people
from the old neighborhood
so many kooks
and also a few


in the mailbox just now
tucked in among
7 requests for donations
a handwritten card
from a woman i greatly admire
with a quote from a favorite book


this extra hour of sleep
brought me a dream
where i was walking down the street
and then all the people around me
started humming too


these shoes are ugly
very very very
but …
they are so comfortable to walk in so …
i’m keeping them


this morning’s crossword puzzle
contains the answer
to a question I asked myself yesterday
and even better:
one answer turns out to be
my name


i’m disappointed
in myself
for not being
different than who i am…
and then i just have to laugh!


the way i laugh
when i talk
with my sister
is different from
the way i laugh
with anyone else


reading an article about memory
that i forgot to read
but this morning
i remembered
so that’s alright


there’s a pin
i wanted to
fasten to my sweater
but i couldn’t position it just right —
i tried and tried and tried
and then i got it into place, perfectly


i could have missed it entirely
the early morning sky
so pink and luscious
what made me look out the window at that moment?
what other magic
have i been missing?


i wasn’t looking for anything
but the second i saw these gloves
i went WOWZA
they are warm and colorful and soft
and exactly right for this
late November day


a cardinal
joined me
on my morning walk
“i am here
i am here”
he sang


on the phone with my mother —
she mentions her new neighbor
Alexa —
as soon as she says that word
the little device in her apartment
starts talking to her


i woke up with butterflies in my stomach
so i went for a walk
and counted my steps
1 to 20 over and over and over
by the time i got back home
i was breathing more easily


looking out the window
a bit of snow on the rooftops
and not a crow in sight
but here comes a young man
bopping along
wearing a bright red hat


sometimes people tell me
they recognize me (from a distance)
by my walk
but i don’t always
recognize myself
when i look in the mirror


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